Blog on Hold — for now

Ok, no excuses for our blog; and here’s mine…

I am working on website builds, online courses, and helping write a book. I’ve also been traveling to fun places plus attending webinars and in-person conferences to improve my skills. Meanwhile,  my writing on the iMentor4Success blog has slowed while I catch up with these current client projects.

Ginny received a promotion to Marketing Director at a venue. They host close to 200 shows a year. She’s swamped at work.

I am sharing on our Twitter account @iMentor4Success items of interest I have found while working client issues and improving my skill levels. Some posts have originated with Ginny. Please follow us there. We’ve found some interesting topics and tips for success that we think you can use.

Take care of yourself. May peace and harmony surround you wherever you go.


Jan holding a baby alligator
Alligator Farm near Gulf Shores, Alabama, is just one excuse I have for the lack of my blog posts  Great fun was had by all!

Author: Jan Bush

After 17 years in marketing support services followed by 21 years in marketing for the Federal Government – I moved back to my roots. Today I help individuals succeed. I serve as a book doctor, ghost writer, and online content manager for one client and collaborate with a partner building passive income platforms by transforming in-person classes to online courses. It’s exciting.